Is social media controlling?
Since the whole social networking sites erupted in 2003, and is continuing to expand many of the public have had problems with them, more so with the most latest social network sites such as Facebook,Twitter,Tumblr,whatsapp and many more due to the fact a lot of younger audience's are getting bullied.

the worse issue you hear a lot off lately is mental health issues such as anxiety, depression,eating disorder, self-harm. according to the NHS trust 25% increase in the number of young people needing treatment to depression and self harm in the last year and this will increase a lot more over the years as more and more children and young adults involve their lives with the world of social media.
i think social media is very controlling to a young audience as most of the public associate their life's with the social contact of friends and family. most of today's generation are bullied on these sites than at school, it's called cyber bullying and the affects of this is a lot stronger than you average bullying , as with online bullying it is easier to hide but the worse to control, most of today society are boys who suffer more with cyber bullying .
'69% of young people experience cyber-bullying before the age of 18'

the worse issue you hear a lot off lately is mental health issues such as anxiety, depression,eating disorder, self-harm. according to the NHS trust 25% increase in the number of young people needing treatment to depression and self harm in the last year and this will increase a lot more over the years as more and more children and young adults involve their lives with the world of social media.

'69% of young people experience cyber-bullying before the age of 18'
people who are being bullied on social networking site are more likely to get depressed and as a result to this teenagers/children or even young adults are more likely to turn to self-harm or even suicide.
How social media is controlling?
over the passed few years the media industry has became a lot darker in the sense of the media being very stereotypical on certain areas for example; young girls or even female celebrities are plastered all over the newspaper and magazines to look a certain way, and if they don't reach the expectations of what the publishers want they either SLAM then for who they really are or airbrush them to pure perfection, to be honest what is perfection these days?
i know from experience that with the whole media communication (social networking sites) i have to read it every morning and read it just before i go to bed and even if i go out longer than five minutes i am checking it the split second i am home, a lot of young people are like this which does get a lot of people down. as each year follows on from the next the worse it gets but if there comes a time where there are no more social networking sites not one of us out there will not know what to do.
How social media is controlling?
over the passed few years the media industry has became a lot darker in the sense of the media being very stereotypical on certain areas for example; young girls or even female celebrities are plastered all over the newspaper and magazines to look a certain way, and if they don't reach the expectations of what the publishers want they either SLAM then for who they really are or airbrush them to pure perfection, to be honest what is perfection these days?
i know from experience that with the whole media communication (social networking sites) i have to read it every morning and read it just before i go to bed and even if i go out longer than five minutes i am checking it the split second i am home, a lot of young people are like this which does get a lot of people down. as each year follows on from the next the worse it gets but if there comes a time where there are no more social networking sites not one of us out there will not know what to do.